
What is Pspj?


pretty strawberry plum juice: also known as the fluids that come out of your vagina during intercourse cum, green vulcan ooze(for a man)

Rae: ur pspj smells funky

Jenna: it's cause its mixed with east texas gvo (green vulcan ooze)

Rae: wash ur shit bitch!!!

See cum, green, pspj, pretty


pretty strawberry plum juice: also known as the fluids that come out of your vagina during intercourse cum, green vulcan ooze(for a man)

Rae: ur pspj smells funky

Jenna: it's cause its mixed with east texas gvo (green vulcan ooze)

Rae: wash ur shit bitch!!!

See cum, green, pspj, pretty


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