
What is Psychopath?


It is time to note the difference between a psychopath and a psychotic.


A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.

Psychopaths tend to lack normal human emotions such as guilt. They are also often highly intelligent and skilled at manipulating others.

Also, psychopaths seem to appear normal. You would probably never guess there was something wrong with them.

Note, not all psychopaths are serial killers.

Ted Bundy was a psychopath, but Richard Chase was a psychotic.

See Someone


A person who knows the difference between right and wrong, but doesn't give a damn. Shows no morality and no emotions towards others, including love, guilt or hatred. Would happily destroy anything or anyone merely for personal pleasure.

Samuel B Slater from fresh unitis a total psychopath, but is also very intelligent.


A psychopath is one who suffers from the anti-social personality disorder of Psychopathy.

A psychopath can be identified by using the PCL-R Checklist, which contains the following characteristic traits:

1. Superficial charm and above average intelligence.

2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.

3. Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations.

4. Unreliability.

5. Untruthfulness and insincerity.

6. Lack of remorse or shame.

7. Antisocial behavior without apparent compunction.

8. Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience.

9. Pathological egocentricity and incapacity to love.

10. General poverty in major affective reactions.

11. Specific loss of insight.

12. Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations.

13. Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink, and sometimes without.

14. Suicide threats rarely carried out.

15. Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated.

16. Failure to follow any life plan.

Psychopathy is in many cases also linked being a Sociopath, having Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Pseudopsychopathic Personality Disorder (also known as Frontal Lobe Disorder). The last of which is caused by lesions of the frontal lobe

Being a psychopath doesn't mean you're going to be in prison for mass-murder or that you only resort to violence.

See psychopath, psycho, psychotic


A person who makes his own rules and lives in his own world. When you see this kind of person it is maditory to point that man or woman to the public so they know what they are dealing with.

Andrew: Tobar remember when you gave me the vodka that one monday

Tobar: Ya man you were saying that you were ok but you were not

Andrew: Only you would do that kinda shit! You a PSYCHOPATH!

See x, maniac, tobar, oooo, asylum


See Osama bin Laden. Why is he a psychopath? He only kills innocents, has a self-righteous cause, kills people who tolerate his religion...I think I just answered my own question.

"But I just complemented you..."

"DIE!1!11!!!1!" screamed the psychopath.

See kill, terrorist, osama bin laden, failure, fail, bigot


One who thinks others are lesser, and deserve to die, or be tormented to the psychopath's content. Often this results in violence, and the manipulation of weak minds by said psycho.

<click-click... BLAMM!!! SPLATT!!!!> "Have a nice day!"


Often found on new deal scheme and adorning shell suit bottoms and a baseball cap.

If you dont get your own way, just clench fists and say fuck off or say cunt and hope it brings across some sort of krays fear factor when in fact its as intimidating as the krankies on smack.

Of course you can re-inact a scene from the dining hall in Scum and pick up and lob a chair at the person you thought was a mate but cant in fact stand your guts.

"I just wanted to be like Grant Mitchell, I even did chin ups on my bedroom door frame to tone up my sparrows kneecap biceps"


It is time to note the difference between a psychopath and a psychotic.


A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.

Psychopaths tend to lack normal human emotions such as guilt. They are also often highly intelligent and skilled at manipulating others.

Also, psychopaths seem to appear normal. You would probably never guess there was something wrong with them.

Note, not all psychopaths are serial killers.

Ted Bundy was a psychopath, but Richard Chase was a psychotic.

See Someone


A person who knows the difference between right and wrong, but doesn't give a damn. Shows no morality and no emotions towards others, including love, guilt or hatred. Would happily destroy anything or anyone merely for personal pleasure.

Samuel B Slater from fresh unitis a total psychopath, but is also very intelligent.


A psychopath is one who suffers from the anti-social personality disorder of Psychopathy.

A psychopath can be identified by using the PCL-R Checklist, which contains the following characteristic traits:

1. Superficial charm and above average intelligence.

2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.

3. Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations.

4. Unreliability.

5. Untruthfulness and insincerity.

6. Lack of remorse or shame.

7. Antisocial behavior without apparent compunction.

8. Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience.

9. Pathological egocentricity and incapacity to love.

10. General poverty in major affective reactions.

11. Specific loss of insight.

12. Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations.

13. Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink, and sometimes without.

14. Suicide threats rarely carried out.

15. Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated.

16. Failure to follow any life plan.

Psychopathy is in many cases also linked being a Sociopath, having Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Pseudopsychopathic Personality Disorder (also known as Frontal Lobe Disorder). The last of which is caused by lesions of the frontal lobe

Being a psychopath doesn't mean you're going to be in prison for mass-murder or that you only resort to violence.

See psychopath, psycho, psychotic


A person who makes his own rules and lives in his own world. When you see this kind of person it is maditory to point that man or woman to the public so they know what they are dealing with.

Andrew: Tobar remember when you gave me the vodka that one monday

Tobar: Ya man you were saying that you were ok but you were not

Andrew: Only you would do that kinda shit! You a PSYCHOPATH!

See x, maniac, tobar, oooo, asylum


See Osama bin Laden. Why is he a psychopath? He only kills innocents, has a self-righteous cause, kills people who tolerate his religion...I think I just answered my own question.

"But I just complemented you..."

"DIE!1!11!!!1!" screamed the psychopath.

See kill, terrorist, osama bin laden, failure, fail, bigot


One who thinks others are lesser, and deserve to die, or be tormented to the psychopath's content. Often this results in violence, and the manipulation of weak minds by said psycho.

<click-click... BLAMM!!! SPLATT!!!!> "Have a nice day!"


Often found on new deal scheme and adorning shell suit bottoms and a baseball cap.

If you dont get your own way, just clench fists and say fuck off or say cunt and hope it brings across some sort of krays fear factor when in fact its as intimidating as the krankies on smack.

Of course you can re-inact a scene from the dining hall in Scum and pick up and lob a chair at the person you thought was a mate but cant in fact stand your guts.

"I just wanted to be like Grant Mitchell, I even did chin ups on my bedroom door frame to tone up my sparrows kneecap biceps"


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