
What is Pts?


Acronym for porn torrent syndrome; refers to the tendency for the download speeds of pornographic video torrents to slow down immensely when the download is almost finished.

The reason for this is a cyclical phenomenon: When people download these kinds of videos, they often watch them when they are only 90-95% complete (whenever the final orgasm occurs), because the remaining 5-10% takes so long and they don't want to wait. But since they watch it and it is "used up" before the download is complete, they then delete the video. Therefore, the internet is full of transient peers that only have the incomplete file for a temporary time, making it almost impossible to download the entire video. This is comparable to waiting for a few moles of a radioactive substance with half-life of 3 days to fully decompose - which, theoretically, never happens.

Jill really wanted to see the final 3 minutes of a lesbian fisting video she was previewing, but her torrent client was giving an estimate of 3 years, 23 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 11 seconds until the download would complete. "Damn this PTS" she thought to her horny self.

See porn, torrent, download, autoerotica, internet


PTS is an aviation term that stands for Practical Test Standards. It is a book that contains the standards by which a pilot must perform to obtain a licence

According to the PTS, you must maintain altitude within 100 feet, bank angle within 10 degrees, and airspeed within 10 kts for some manuvers.



"PTS to the left"

"he's dead....." -

"Yo pass that shit" - Loc Dog

See pts


PTS literally standing for Pre-Teen Skank. Any girl who is petite in size and looks to be very young yet dresses in tight, small, and revealing clothing. Used during a PTS alert.

Mike and Ryan went to the mall and saw a whole lot of PTS.


An abbreviation for "pass the salt". MMO and AIM addicts love abbreviating simple phrases, and when it translates into real life it can be dangerous. PTS is a prime example.

"Mom, PTS"


"pass the fucking salt god dammit, my guild is raiding in like 10 mins"


pizda ti strinina

It's croatian curse!

PTS kako si zgodna!

Hihihi znam

See pts, curse, oath


Acronym for porn torrent syndrome; refers to the tendency for the download speeds of pornographic video torrents to slow down immensely when the download is almost finished.

The reason for this is a cyclical phenomenon: When people download these kinds of videos, they often watch them when they are only 90-95% complete (whenever the final orgasm occurs), because the remaining 5-10% takes so long and they don't want to wait. But since they watch it and it is "used up" before the download is complete, they then delete the video. Therefore, the internet is full of transient peers that only have the incomplete file for a temporary time, making it almost impossible to download the entire video. This is comparable to waiting for a few moles of a radioactive substance with half-life of 3 days to fully decompose - which, theoretically, never happens.

Jill really wanted to see the final 3 minutes of a lesbian fisting video she was previewing, but her torrent client was giving an estimate of 3 years, 23 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 11 seconds until the download would complete. "Damn this PTS" she thought to her horny self.

See porn, torrent, download, autoerotica, internet


PTS is an aviation term that stands for Practical Test Standards. It is a book that contains the standards by which a pilot must perform to obtain a licence

According to the PTS, you must maintain altitude within 100 feet, bank angle within 10 degrees, and airspeed within 10 kts for some manuvers.



"PTS to the left"

"he's dead....." -

"Yo pass that shit" - Loc Dog

See pts


PTS literally standing for Pre-Teen Skank. Any girl who is petite in size and looks to be very young yet dresses in tight, small, and revealing clothing. Used during a PTS alert.

Mike and Ryan went to the mall and saw a whole lot of PTS.


An abbreviation for "pass the salt". MMO and AIM addicts love abbreviating simple phrases, and when it translates into real life it can be dangerous. PTS is a prime example.

"Mom, PTS"


"pass the fucking salt god dammit, my guild is raiding in like 10 mins"


pizda ti strinina

It's croatian curse!

PTS kako si zgodna!

Hihihi znam

See pts, curse, oath


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