Pual Murray

What is Pual Murray?


The definition of this word is:

A lifeless idiot who cant even spell you if he tryed sad I know and he does his dog on weekends poor dog I feel so sorry for the dog.

Him and chris lowman look at migdet porn togather sick. aka "blow man"

quit looking at midget porn its wrong your such a paul


The defintion of this word is:

A lifeless idiot who does'nt even know how to you. He does mrs.snodgrass on weekends he told me so the other day talk about sick dont you think so well I do. Him and chris lowman "blow man"

look at midget porn togather sick isnt it.

Retarted tall big nosed little asshole


The definition of this word is:

A lifeless idiot who cant even spell you if he tryed sad I know and he does his dog on weekends poor dog I feel so sorry for the dog.

Him and chris lowman look at migdet porn togather sick. aka "blow man"

quit looking at midget porn its wrong your such a paul


The defintion of this word is:

A lifeless idiot who does'nt even know how to you. He does mrs.snodgrass on weekends he told me so the other day talk about sick dont you think so well I do. Him and chris lowman "blow man"

look at midget porn togather sick isnt it.

Retarted tall big nosed little asshole


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