Pudding Hatch

What is Pudding Hatch?


A girls vagina

I just fucked my girls pudding hatch last night!

See pussy, dick, crotch, fuck, snatch


The entrance to your ass

Retrofit the pudding hatch with the boink swatter -Bloodhound Gang

See pudding, hatch, ass, shit


1. A dude's ass after a gay man fucked it

2. An ass hole after having runs (bad shits)

Dude! Go clean out your pudding hatch!


A girls vagina

I just fucked my girls pudding hatch last night!

See pussy, dick, crotch, fuck, snatch


The entrance to your ass

Retrofit the pudding hatch with the boink swatter -Bloodhound Gang

See pudding, hatch, ass, shit


1. A dude's ass after a gay man fucked it

2. An ass hole after having runs (bad shits)

Dude! Go clean out your pudding hatch!


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