Puddle Pirate

What is Puddle Pirate?


A US Coast Guard member. derogatory.

Navy Sailor: thanks for staying home and watching the coasts, puddle pirate.

Coastie: Someone needs to keep those navy wives warm at night.


-one who jumps in and out of puddles shouting 'i'll find ye treasure matey!'

-a man who 'gets around' (male prostitute), and during his orgasm screams 'Arrrgghhh, thereeeee she blows!'; The puddles symbolize a woman's vagina, and the pirate represents the horny man.

Carly said she met this really nice Puddle Pirate down in the kittery, and he was free for the night. I bet she's going to have a wicked night.

See puddle, pirate, treasure, vagina, matey


A US Coast Guard member. derogatory.

Navy Sailor: thanks for staying home and watching the coasts, puddle pirate.

Coastie: Someone needs to keep those navy wives warm at night.


-one who jumps in and out of puddles shouting 'i'll find ye treasure matey!'

-a man who 'gets around' (male prostitute), and during his orgasm screams 'Arrrgghhh, thereeeee she blows!'; The puddles symbolize a woman's vagina, and the pirate represents the horny man.

Carly said she met this really nice Puddle Pirate down in the kittery, and he was free for the night. I bet she's going to have a wicked night.

See puddle, pirate, treasure, vagina, matey


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