Puddle Pounding

What is Puddle Pounding?


When you Spread a girl/man butt cheeks therfore revealing her butt hole, Then dribbling some piss inside the BOWL that is her ass hole, It looks like a puddle, then you take the head of your penis and smack the puddle as a little kid would jump in a puddle.

John came home the other night and walked in on his son Puddle Pounding his Girlfriend.

See ass, puddle, butt hole, pimpin


When you Spread a girl/man butt cheeks therfore revealing her butt hole, Then dribbling some piss inside the BOWL that is her ass hole, It looks like a puddle, then you take the head of your penis and smack the puddle as a little kid would jump in a puddle.

John came home the other night and walked in on his son Puddle Pounding his Girlfriend.

See ass, puddle, butt hole, pimpin


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