
What is Puddle-of-dick?


The act of being in an extreme state of drunkeness; to stumble around heavily intoxicated mumbling incomprehensivly; To be stooped over in a puddle of your own vomit without the knowlege of your current situation

1)After 10 shots of Jose Cuervo and 5 glasses of scotch on the rocks, Mark ended up as a puddle-of-dick last night.

2)"Dude, check out that puddle-of-dick, no way is he getting it up tonight"

See drunk, piss drunk, fucked up, wasted


The act of being in an extreme state of drunkeness; to stumble around heavily intoxicated mumbling incomprehensivly; To be stooped over in a puddle of your own vomit without the knowlege of your current situation

1)After 10 shots of Jose Cuervo and 5 glasses of scotch on the rocks, Mark ended up as a puddle-of-dick last night.

2)"Dude, check out that puddle-of-dick, no way is he getting it up tonight"

See drunk, piss drunk, fucked up, wasted


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