
What is Pudgemunchkin?


deepfried meatball, tastes good with marinara or honey mustard sauce

it can also be made into a sandwich with a funnelcakelike taco shell, not chalupa. I didnt stutter. Also delicious with melted mozzerela cheese on a lightly toasted hotdog bun. I didnt stutter. patent pending.I didnt stutter.

I went to 16 different restraunts and nobody had any pudgemunchkins

See meatballs, deep, angry pirate, alabama hotpocket, antinoon, houdini, fry, nigger


deepfried meatball, tastes good with marinara or honey mustard sauce

it can also be made into a sandwich with a funnelcakelike taco shell, not chalupa. I didnt stutter. Also delicious with melted mozzerela cheese on a lightly toasted hotdog bun. I didnt stutter. patent pending.I didnt stutter.

I went to 16 different restraunts and nobody had any pudgemunchkins

See meatballs, deep, angry pirate, alabama hotpocket, antinoon, houdini, fry, nigger


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