
What is Pudgysausageonwheels?


a pudgysausageonwheels is a dog that is shaped in a tubular formation, and has a salami-nose. And pastrami legs. And a tongue made of ham. Sparky larky is a pudgysausage on wheels-mobile. Now, the on wheels part is just for effect.

Budu the dog. he is the full definition of a pudgysausage on wheels.


The definition of a pudgysausage on wheels is quite simple. Budu the dogis a pudgysausageonwheels. It is pretty much just a fat tubular shaped object, and the onwheels part of it is just for an effect.

Budu the dog is a pudgysausage on wheels. Another name for budu is the pudgysausage on wheels-mobile.


a pudgysausageonwheels is a dog that is shaped in a tubular formation, and has a salami-nose. And pastrami legs. And a tongue made of ham. Sparky larky is a pudgysausage on wheels-mobile. Now, the on wheels part is just for effect.

Budu the dog. he is the full definition of a pudgysausage on wheels.


The definition of a pudgysausage on wheels is quite simple. Budu the dogis a pudgysausageonwheels. It is pretty much just a fat tubular shaped object, and the onwheels part of it is just for an effect.

Budu the dog is a pudgysausage on wheels. Another name for budu is the pudgysausage on wheels-mobile.


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