Puding Tame

What is Puding Tame?


a person who acts though and thinks he the daddy until someone hits them and starts crying and does nothing

person how thinks he the daddy:

i'll kick your ass bitch

you: just bring it

daddy man:yeah i will (doesnt do anything)

you: (you hit him)

daddy man: (starts to cry) im telling!!!

you:hahaha puding tame boy (point and laugh)


a person who acts though and thinks he the daddy until someone hits them and starts crying and does nothing

person how thinks he the daddy:

i'll kick your ass bitch

you: just bring it

daddy man:yeah i will (doesnt do anything)

you: (you hit him)

daddy man: (starts to cry) im telling!!!

you:hahaha puding tame boy (point and laugh)


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