What is Puerto Rican Princess?


a well liked, somewhat wealthy Puerto Rican girl. Usually found in Urban areas such as San Juan, New York etc.

A Puerto Rican princess can be hot or ugly it depends on the girl.

See hoodrat, ily, nyc, ny


A prostitute. Deragatory.

That slut is a real Puerto Rican Princess.

See slut, prostitute, princess, whore, Sean


A prostitute. Deragatory.

That slut is a real Puerto Rican Princess.

See slut, prostitute, princess, whore, Sean


a well liked, somewhat wealthy Puerto Rican girl. Usually found in Urban areas such as San Juan, New York etc.

A Puerto Rican princess can be hot or ugly it depends on the girl.

See hoodrat, ily, nyc, ny


A prostitute. Deragatory.

That slut is a real Puerto Rican Princess.

See slut, prostitute, princess, whore, Sean


A prostitute. Deragatory.

That slut is a real Puerto Rican Princess.

See slut, prostitute, princess, whore, Sean


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