Puerto Rican Reunion

What is Puerto Rican Reunion?


A traffic jam caused by two lowriders engaged in long conversation, each sitting in the driver's seat of their own extra wide rides, parked for the duration in the middle of a narrow side street, blocking it entirely. Both engines running optional.

The street was entirely blocked and me thoughts,....'Damn, another 'Puerto Rican Reunion'.

"Hey, move it or milk it!!!... The streets were wider in San Juan!" (Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep....)

See fuckwad, caca, lowrider


A traffic jam caused by two lowriders engaged in long conversation, each sitting in the driver's seat of their own extra wide rides, parked for the duration in the middle of a narrow side street, blocking it entirely. Both engines running optional.

The street was entirely blocked and me thoughts,....'Damn, another 'Puerto Rican Reunion'.

"Hey, move it or milk it!!!... The streets were wider in San Juan!" (Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep....)

See fuckwad, caca, lowrider


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