Puerto Rican Sweep

What is Puerto Rican Sweep?


When driving on a highway with three or more lanes, the act of moving your car all the way from the fastest lane to the slowest lane, or vice versa; bonus points for not checking your blind spot, not using your turn signal, or cutting off one or more other drivers. See Jewish jack-knife

1. I was about to miss my exit but I pulled a Puerto Rican sweep and made the bitch, cutting off an eighteen wheeler in the process.

2. Dude, that driver's an asshole. Watch this.


When driving on a highway with three or more lanes, the act of moving your car all the way from the fastest lane to the slowest lane, or vice versa; bonus points for not checking your blind spot, not using your turn signal, or cutting off one or more other drivers. See Jewish jack-knife

1. I was about to miss my exit but I pulled a Puerto Rican sweep and made the bitch, cutting off an eighteen wheeler in the process.

2. Dude, that driver's an asshole. Watch this.


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