Puff Cunt

What is Puff Cunt?


1. An oversized or engorged female genetalia that is usually caused from excess weight gain and tight pants

2. An extremely large moose knuckle or camel toe

Did you see Kelly's puff cunt? It was so big that her pants were bursting at the seams!

See cunt, moose knuckle, camel toe, labia


The area above the cunt and below the navel, usually where the cunt hair is; tending to get a little fat puff after freshman year. See also; Cunt Gut

Girl, I've got such a puff cunt, I can't wear spandex to the county fair!

See cunt gut, pubes, pussy hair, chin rest


1. An oversized or engorged female genetalia that is usually caused from excess weight gain and tight pants

2. An extremely large moose knuckle or camel toe

Did you see Kelly's puff cunt? It was so big that her pants were bursting at the seams!

See cunt, moose knuckle, camel toe, labia


The area above the cunt and below the navel, usually where the cunt hair is; tending to get a little fat puff after freshman year. See also; Cunt Gut

Girl, I've got such a puff cunt, I can't wear spandex to the county fair!

See cunt gut, pubes, pussy hair, chin rest


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