
What is Puga?


1. Hemp

2. Dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant that yield THC and are smoked in cigarettes, bongs, pipes, or other creative ways for their intoxicating effect.

3. Street slang for Marijuana.

Smoke the Puga.

Do you know where I can buy some Puga?

See marijuana, weed, smoking, high, pot


To accidentally shit yourself whilst having a wank in bed.

"Get the tissues I've puga'd again."

See wank, dump, mess, razzle


1. Hemp

2. Dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant that yield THC and are smoked in cigarettes, bongs, pipes, or other creative ways for their intoxicating effect.

3. Street slang for Marijuana.

Smoke the Puga.

Do you know where I can buy some Puga?

See marijuana, weed, smoking, high, pot


To accidentally shit yourself whilst having a wank in bed.

"Get the tissues I've puga'd again."

See wank, dump, mess, razzle


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