
What is Pugberto?


One of the greatest people in the world. Professional gamer with many cups in Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Online Tournaments which he has won. He is a lovely and sexy person, many people enjoy his company, he is random which makes up for his humour. He is a common Newgrounds user and respected well. He owns Neovenators which is a massive online clan for "Pro Gamer" He helps you in any situation.

Apocdemon88: Pugberto's a dick

ShadowKnight010: He is isn't he

Pugberto: Hi guys, what your talking about?


See pugberto, aries


One of the greatest people in the world. Professional gamer with many cups in Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Online Tournaments which he has won. He is a lovely and sexy person, many people enjoy his company, he is random which makes up for his humour. He is a common Newgrounds user and respected well. He owns Neovenators which is a massive online clan for "Pro Gamer" He helps you in any situation.

Apocdemon88: Pugberto's a dick

ShadowKnight010: He is isn't he

Pugberto: Hi guys, what your talking about?


See pugberto, aries


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