
What is Pugzilla?


A newer community with Football(CS1.6) servers along with a couple other interesting servers. We will see where this is headed. Pug mod needs to be redone, but they say it will be in the near future.

I have played at pugzilla and their servers are fun, I hope that they get somewhere because I am sick of all this crappy gaming environment blahhhhhhhhhhhhh

See pugzilla, gaming, entertainment, fun, cs, pug, football, halo, surf, cs:s


A newer community with Football(CS1.6) servers along with a couple other interesting servers. We will see where this is headed. Pug mod needs to be redone, but they say it will be in the near future.

I have played at pugzilla and their servers are fun, I hope that they get somewhere because I am sick of all this crappy gaming environment blahhhhhhhhhhhhh

See pugzilla, gaming, entertainment, fun, cs, pug, football, halo, surf, cs:s


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