Pui Man Tam

What is Pui Man Tam?


Chinese slang for a girl who always asks too many questions. (It's not who, what, when, where ,why) but always why, why, why, why, why.

Someone who is flat chested, stupid, and can't shut the fuck up. Fresh off the boat from HK.

Someone who is hidious looking and desperate for a boyfriend.

A person with big eyes but can't see worth a shit.

-Oh shit it's a Pui Man Tam.

-Why the fuck are we always stuck with Pui Man Tam here.

-So many nice guys here, I don't want to be a Pui Man Tam.

-I'm so shy, at least there's Pui Man Tam here to ask questions during this lecture.

See pui, man, tam, sharon, peanut toes


Chinese slang for a girl who always asks too many questions. (It's not who, what, when, where ,why) but always why, why, why, why, why.

Someone who is flat chested, stupid, and can't shut the fuck up. Fresh off the boat from HK.

Someone who is hidious looking and desperate for a boyfriend.

A person with big eyes but can't see worth a shit.

-Oh shit it's a Pui Man Tam.

-Why the fuck are we always stuck with Pui Man Tam here.

-So many nice guys here, I don't want to be a Pui Man Tam.

-I'm so shy, at least there's Pui Man Tam here to ask questions during this lecture.

See pui, man, tam, sharon, peanut toes


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