
What is Puief?


A choral exercise that is corrupted by Bronxvillekids as queef. Is not often punished by teacher.

Pam:Alright, children. Let's do puief. Puief Puief Puief.

Chorus: Puief, Puief, Puief.

Luke: Queef, Queef, Queef.

See chorus, song, queef, qweef


A choral exercise that is corrupted by Bronxvillekids as queef. Is not often punished by teacher.

Pam:Alright, children. Let's do puief. Puief Puief Puief.

Chorus: Puief, Puief, Puief.

Luke: Queef, Queef, Queef.

See chorus, song, queef, qweef


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