Puke Bomb

What is Puke Bomb?


Its when you drank way too fast because you thought you were cool but your really an asshole,then you decided to do those 3 shots of tequila and make an ass out of yourself further,then you went to take a piss and you felt sick and midway through your piss you gagged and then your stomach forcefully ejected a high powered puke bomb. asshole

Hey check out the wall in the bathroom stall it still has the meat stuck to it from my puke bomb.

See barf, spew, upchuck, hurl, blow chunks


Its when you drank way too fast because you thought you were cool but your really an asshole,then you decided to do those 3 shots of tequila and make an ass out of yourself further,then you went to take a piss and you felt sick and midway through your piss you gagged and then your stomach forcefully ejected a high powered puke bomb. asshole

Hey check out the wall in the bathroom stall it still has the meat stuck to it from my puke bomb.

See barf, spew, upchuck, hurl, blow chunks


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