Puke N Nuke

What is Puke N Nuke?


this doesnt have to happen on the shitter(toilet), but it does have to happen at the same time. The pukin part would be throwin up like shit fuck crazy, and the nukin part is when your on the shitter, you shit like crazy, unlike any other; you blow up the motherfuckin toilet with shit like james woods in Scray Movie 2.

I had to puke n nuke the toilet last night from all that drinking. Felt like Nagasaki and Hiroshima up in that mother.

See shit, nuke, puke, toilet, shitfaced


this doesnt have to happen on the shitter(toilet), but it does have to happen at the same time. The pukin part would be throwin up like shit fuck crazy, and the nukin part is when your on the shitter, you shit like crazy, unlike any other; you blow up the motherfuckin toilet with shit like james woods in Scray Movie 2.

I had to puke n nuke the toilet last night from all that drinking. Felt like Nagasaki and Hiroshima up in that mother.

See shit, nuke, puke, toilet, shitfaced


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