
What is Pukemeister?


One who pukes on a weekly basis. No matter how much one has had to drink or smoke they will puke on a consistant basis. A pukemeister will puke almost all the time for any occassion. If the pukemeister does not puke on the same night he drinks he will puke all morning the next morning for around 5 hours.

Steve, Steve, Steve, and Steve the Pukemeister

See steve, puke, pukey, throw up, throw-up, throwup


One who pukes on a weekly basis. No matter how much one has had to drink or smoke they will puke on a consistant basis. A pukemeister will puke almost all the time for any occassion. If the pukemeister does not puke on the same night he drinks he will puke all morning the next morning for around 5 hours.

Steve, Steve, Steve, and Steve the Pukemeister

See steve, puke, pukey, throw up, throw-up, throwup


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