
What is Pukestripe?


To land a patch of vomit down the side of ones vehicle. May contain but not limited to corn, fast food, funky pickle pizza, 711 sub chunks, beer, alcohol in general.(may peel paint)And comes in a variaty of colours.

Mainly seen on vehicles which are in the possesion of (again not limited) drunkards between the ages of 14 - 40ish. Any make

PukeStripes are not Bitchn

PukeStripes are not Funny unless it's your buddies car

See puke, vomit, barf, throw up, hurl, shit, spew, sick, drunk, ralph, blow chunks, chunder, gross, upchuck, sex, poop, nasty, regurgitate, gag, crap, yak, disgusting, alcohol, burp, ass, beer, throw-up, ugly, hangover, heave, technicolor, yawn, vagina, party, yack, piss, fart, diarrhea, wasted, chuck, pussy, toss cookies, blowjob, belch, retch, toilet, dick, drink, trash, head, drinking, horrible


To land a patch of vomit down the side of ones vehicle. May contain but not limited to corn, fast food, funky pickle pizza, 711 sub chunks, beer, alcohol in general.(may peel paint)And comes in a variaty of colours.

Mainly seen on vehicles which are in the possesion of (again not limited) drunkards between the ages of 14 - 40ish. Any make

PukeStripes are not Bitchn

PukeStripes are not Funny unless it's your buddies car

See puke, vomit, barf, throw up, hurl, shit, spew, sick, drunk, ralph, blow chunks, chunder, gross, upchuck, sex, poop, nasty, regurgitate, gag, crap, yak, disgusting, alcohol, burp, ass, beer, throw-up, ugly, hangover, heave, technicolor, yawn, vagina, party, yack, piss, fart, diarrhea, wasted, chuck, pussy, toss cookies, blowjob, belch, retch, toilet, dick, drink, trash, head, drinking, horrible


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