Puking Bunny

What is Puking Bunny?


When an inexperienced girl (or possibly a guy) is giving a guy a blow job and attempts to deep throat him, causing her (or him) to gag and throw up all over the other persons genitals. The person that got puked on then finishes himself off and smears the ejaculate in the puker's hair.

Based on a true story.

Did you hear about Statch? He pulled a Puking Bunny on that girl he was with last weekend!

See puke, bunny, blow job, hair, ejaculate


When an inexperienced girl (or possibly a guy) is giving a guy a blow job and attempts to deep throat him, causing her (or him) to gag and throw up all over the other persons genitals. The person that got puked on then finishes himself off and smears the ejaculate in the puker's hair.

Based on a true story.

Did you hear about Statch? He pulled a puking bunny on that 9th grader he was with the other night!

See bunny, blow job, deep throat, vomit


When an inexperienced girl (or possibly a guy) is giving a guy a blow job and attempts to deep throat him, causing her (or him) to gag and throw up all over the other persons genitals. The person that got puked on then finishes himself off and smears the ejaculate in the puker's hair.

Based on a true story.

Did you hear about Statch? He pulled a Puking Bunny on that girl he was with last weekend!

See puke, bunny, blow job, hair, ejaculate


When an inexperienced girl (or possibly a guy) is giving a guy a blow job and attempts to deep throat him, causing her (or him) to gag and throw up all over the other persons genitals. The person that got puked on then finishes himself off and smears the ejaculate in the puker's hair.

Based on a true story.

Did you hear about Statch? He pulled a puking bunny on that 9th grader he was with the other night!

See bunny, blow job, deep throat, vomit


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