Puking Dragon

What is Puking Dragon?


When a woman blows cum out of her nose!

While your woman is sucking your cock, right before you orgasm slame her head down on your shaft and she will chock and blow it out her nose...known as the puking dragon

See blowjob, cum, sex, masterbate, orgasm


Quite similar to an angry dragon. The puking drangon is when you contract gonorrhea causing you to ejaculate a green discharge.

Brian: O dude last night I banged this chick and I got gonorrhea.

Steve: It's ok bro just give that bitch a puking dragon!

See angry dragon, pepper johnson, cleveland steamer, dirty sanchez, donkey punch, strawberry shortcake


When a woman blows cum out of her nose!

While your woman is sucking your cock, right before you orgasm slame her head down on your shaft and she will chock and blow it out her nose...known as the puking dragon

See blowjob, cum, sex, masterbate, orgasm


Quite similar to an angry dragon. The puking drangon is when you contract gonorrhea causing you to ejaculate a green discharge.

Brian: O dude last night I banged this chick and I got gonorrhea.

Steve: It's ok bro just give that bitch a puking dragon!

See angry dragon, pepper johnson, cleveland steamer, dirty sanchez, donkey punch, strawberry shortcake


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