
What is Pukins?


A word for barf that is used to describe the puke that has come out of your body after the consumtion of alcohol.

"Clean up that pukins."

"Ahh, your pukins is all over me."

See puke, pukins, barf, vomit, throw-up


A word used to describe the vomit that comes out after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Tony - "Eric, your pukins got all over me."

Eric - "Sorry man, shit happens."

See pukins, vomit, puke, barf, throw-up


A word for barf that is used to describe the puke that has come out of your body after the consumtion of alcohol.

"Clean up that pukins."

"Ahh, your pukins is all over me."

See puke, pukins, barf, vomit, throw-up


A word used to describe the vomit that comes out after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Tony - "Eric, your pukins got all over me."

Eric - "Sorry man, shit happens."

See pukins, vomit, puke, barf, throw-up


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