What is Pull A Henry Williams?


Going out to a party/event, but remaining 100 percent sober. Named after one of the greatest. He was a simple soul. Known to all, enemy to none. His greatest attruibute was that he never consumed alcoholic beverages, but still partied like a rockstar. RIP 4 ever long

"Yo, man I don't know, I think i might pull a Henry Williams tonight and stay sober."

See henry williams, sobs, henry, williams, sober


Going out to a party/event, but remaining 100 percent sober. Named after one of the greatest. He was a simple soul. Known to all, enemy to none. His greatest attruibute was that he never consumed alcoholic beverages, but still partied like a rockstar. RIP 4 ever long

"Yo, man I don't know, I think i might pull a Henry Williams tonight and stay sober."

See henry williams, sobs, henry, williams, sober


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