Pull A Jack Ass

What is Pull A Jack Ass?


to harm a friend for laughs.normaly found funny only by the person who pulled a jack ass and after words is normaly severly injured by the person who he pranked

i got a drunk the other night and mike had to go pull a jack ass and shaved my head in my sleep when i got up i beat him to a bloody pulp.

pulling a jack ass can be funny if the pulled jack ass will only effect the person for a week or so go ahead shave your friends eye brows in his sleep take pictures of u farting in his face just remember if u do somthing that will effect the person for a long period of time he'll either beat u to death or charge u with assault i've seen it happen.

See jack ass, tool, douche bag, assault, regret


to harm a friend for laughs.normaly found funny only by the person who pulled a jack ass and after words is normaly severly injured by the person who he pranked

i got a drunk the other night and mike had to go pull a jack ass and shaved my head in my sleep when i got up i beat him to a bloody pulp.

pulling a jack ass can be funny if the pulled jack ass will only effect the person for a week or so go ahead shave your friends eye brows in his sleep take pictures of u farting in his face just remember if u do somthing that will effect the person for a long period of time he'll either beat u to death or charge u with assault i've seen it happen.

See jack ass, tool, douche bag, assault, regret


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