Pull A Jess

What is Pull A Jess?


The action of stopping abruptly to communicate with someone without any prior warning. It also includes the action of not returning emails by periods, coming back, apologizing for not replying, and then going at it again. All these actions are usually done in the midst of a virtual dating / chatting process.

- Got any news of that girl from Ottawa recently?

- Well we wrote for awhile, but since last week, nothing!

- Hah! She pulled a Jess on you!


- You're not going to pull a Jess on me, are you?

- *lol* no! i'll be there, don't worry!

See date, jess, ditch


The action of stopping abruptly to communicate with someone without any prior warning. It also includes the action of not returning emails by periods, coming back, apologizing for not replying, and then going at it again. All these actions are usually done in the midst of a virtual dating / chatting process.

- Got any news of that girl from Ottawa recently?

- Well we wrote for awhile, but since last week, nothing!

- Hah! She pulled a Jess on you!


- You're not going to pull a Jess on me, are you?

- *lol* no! i'll be there, don't worry!

See date, jess, ditch


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