Pull A Josan

What is Pull A Josan?



1. intentionally procrastinating to the last possible minute

2. utter laziness

Example 1:

Gretel: Oh dearie me! I have a 5 page paper due next class and I have 5 more minutes to finish two pages. I'm so screwed!

Ralph: Way to pull a Josan.

Gretel: Thank God for Linguistics class.

Example 2:

Billy: OMFGzors, I have a 22 page AP Lit paper due tomorrow!

Horace: LOLzors, it's 4:00PM! You should start it now!

Billy: Na yo, I'm pulling a Josan tonight. I will start it at 12:00AM and finish at 7:00 in the morning. Oh and I'm not coming to school.

See pull a josan, procrastination, laziness



1. intentionally procrastinating to the last possible minute

2. utter laziness

Example 1:

Gretel: Oh dearie me! I have a 5 page paper due next class and I have 5 more minutes to finish two pages. I'm so screwed!

Ralph: Way to pull a Josan.

Gretel: Thank God for Linguistics class.

Example 2:

Billy: OMFGzors, I have a 22 page AP Lit paper due tomorrow!

Horace: LOLzors, it's 4:00PM! You should start it now!

Billy: Na yo, I'm pulling a Josan tonight. I will start it at 12:00AM and finish at 7:00 in the morning. Oh and I'm not coming to school.

See pull a josan, procrastination, laziness


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