Pull A Maie

What is Pull A Maie?


The act of killing oneself due to ridiculous Myspace drama. Especially when you own a perfection group and/or train.

We all told that girl she had a giant nose so she decided to pull a Maie...too bad she didn't succeed

See myspace, suicide, ridiculous


The act of killing oneself due to ridiculous Myspace drama. Especially when you own a perfection group and/or train.

"We all told that girl she had a giant nose so she decided to pull a Maie...too bad she didn't succeed"

See myspace, suicide, ridiculous


The act of killing oneself due to ridiculous Myspace drama. Especially when you own a perfection group and/or train.

We all told that girl she had a giant nose so she decided to pull a Maie...too bad she didn't succeed

See myspace, suicide, ridiculous


The act of killing oneself due to ridiculous Myspace drama. Especially when you own a perfection group and/or train.

"We all told that girl she had a giant nose so she decided to pull a Maie...too bad she didn't succeed"

See myspace, suicide, ridiculous


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