Pull A Richard

What is Pull A Richard?


1. Backstabbing a friend to get with their girlfriend.

2. Not allowing their girlfriend to go out with friends, talk to certain people, or be anywhere outside of a 1 foot radius of him.

3. Making their girlfriend feel bad about things when he should feel bad about her friends disliking him.

So john is dating my ex now.

Damn, did he pull a richard?

Yeah, he pulled a richard.

See backstabber, richard, pulling, douchebag, dick, grims


1. Backstabbing a friend to get with their girlfriend.

2. Not allowing their girlfriend to go out with friends, talk to certain people, or be anywhere outside of a 1 foot radius of him.

3. Making their girlfriend feel bad about things when he should feel bad about her friends disliking him.

So john is dating my ex now.

Damn, did he pull a richard?

Yeah, he pulled a richard.

See backstabber, richard, pulling, douchebag, dick, grims


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