Pulled A Ryland

What is Pulled A Ryland?


When someone incredibly stupid decides to walk a long distance in extreme weather, whether it be really hot or really cold, or otherwise.

"so on the way home today i saw a boy passed out on the side of the road, he looked familiar... so i called my friend and as it turns out it was him, he pulled a Ryland that Jackass!"

See ryland, stupid, asian, idiot, brenna


to walk long distances in extreme weather, extremely cold or extremely hot.

"dude instead of taking the bus home today i pulled a Ryland and now i feel like im gonna pass out."

See stupid, idiotic, ludacris, ryland


to walk long distances in extreme weather, extremely cold or extremely hot.

"dude instead of taking the bus home today i pulled a Ryland and now i feel like im gonna pass out."

See stupid, idiotic, ludacris, ryland


When someone incredibly stupid decides to walk a long distance in extreme weather, whether it be really hot or really cold, or otherwise.

"so on the way home today i saw a boy passed out on the side of the road, he looked familiar... so i called my friend and as it turns out it was him, he pulled a Ryland that Jackass!"

See ryland, stupid, asian, idiot, brenna


to walk long distances in extreme weather, extremely cold or extremely hot.

"dude instead of taking the bus home today i pulled a Ryland and now i feel like im gonna pass out."

See stupid, idiotic, ludacris, ryland


to walk long distances in extreme weather, extremely cold or extremely hot.

"dude instead of taking the bus home today i pulled a Ryland and now i feel like im gonna pass out."

See stupid, idiotic, ludacris, ryland


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