What is Pulling A Charlie?
The Republican art of disguising your inept knowledge by answering a question with another question as in "with what respect Charlie?"
See also Pulling a Palin
See also Pulling a Charlie
Charlie asks "do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?"
Sarah responds "in what respect Charlie?" "do you mean his world view" starring with blank ignorance at Charlie
Sarah was just caught Pulling a Charlie
To leave a conversation without reason, and without prior warning
Hey Bob do you know were Matt went?
No I think he pulled a Charlie.
Pulling a Charlie is ressearved for Charlie
The Republican art of disguising your inept knowledge by answering a question with another question as in "with what respect Charlie?"
See also Pulling a Palin
See also Pulling a Charlie
Charlie asks "do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?"
Sarah responds "in what respect Charlie?" "do you mean his world view" starring with blank ignorance at Charlie
Sarah was just caught Pulling a Charlie
To leave a conversation without reason, and without prior warning
Hey Bob do you know were Matt went?
No I think he pulled a Charlie.
Pulling a Charlie is ressearved for Charlie