Pulling A Hoss

What is Pulling A Hoss?


The intention, the desire, or the act of doing any of the following to a girl much younger than you who you shouldnt be messing with: Dating with/without expecting to recieve sexual gratification either manually, or from your more than likely infant partner, wanting to date, or the more than likely obsessive stalking that someone pulling a hoss will do to their junior high victims. If you have a 13 year old sister, dont invite this guy over.

justin: hey zach did you hear about cliftons girlfriend?

zach: ya i did. dude thats sick! he's totally pulling a hoss.

See hoss, pedo, pervert, robbing the cradle, gross


The intention, the desire, or the act of doing any of the following to a girl much younger than you who you shouldnt be messing with: Dating with/without expecting to recieve sexual gratification either manually, or from your more than likely infant partner, wanting to date, or the more than likely obsessive stalking that someone pulling a hoss will do to their junior high victims. If you have a 13 year old sister, dont invite this guy over.

justin: hey zach did you hear about cliftons girlfriend?

zach: ya i did. dude thats sick! he's totally pulling a hoss.

See hoss, pedo, pervert, robbing the cradle, gross


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