
What is Pulpy?


A Yahoo chatter that looks eerily like an insurgent. If you look up, you might see a pulpy grinning from the cockpit of a jet headed straight for a tall building. Mullet-headed, breath reeking of cous cous and another man's asshole. With a flick of his hip he can yap on his mic which he keeps securely stapled to his cockend about the most mundane topic.

pulpfiction0704 pulpy uFester pulpy-like


graphicin a sexual way,

The art of pornography is considered pulpy by some.

She wore a pulpy skirt.

The magazine had many pulpy images.

See trashy, lurid, sensational, obscene


A Yahoo chatter that looks eerily like an insurgent. If you look up, you might see a pulpy grinning from the cockpit of a jet headed straight for a tall building. Mullet-headed, breath reeking of cous cous and another man's asshole. With a flick of his hip he can yap on his mic which he keeps securely stapled to his cockend about the most mundane topic.

pulpfiction0704 pulpy uFester pulpy-like


graphicin a sexual way,

The art of pornography is considered pulpy by some.

She wore a pulpy skirt.

The magazine had many pulpy images.

See trashy, lurid, sensational, obscene


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