Punk Goth

What is Punk Goth?


An other "type" of goth with a general knowledge of Goth Culture. They give their own "flair" to the scene by being to such an extreme of non-conformist that they often don't get the approval of other more traditional goths because their quite a bit "wilder" in behavior than others.

The typical dress of a Punk Goth is not always all black. They tend to like a more "punky" look with accessories like wristbands, beanies, and chains hanging from their pants or long shorts.

See goth, gothic, punk, punky, gawth


An other "type" of goth with a general knowledge of Goth Culture. They give their own "flair" to the scene by being to such an extreme of non-conformist that they often don't get the approval of other more traditional goths because their quite a bit "wilder" in behavior than others.

The typical dress of a Punk Goth is not always all black. They tend to like a more "punky" look with accessories like wristbands, beanies, and chains hanging from their pants or long shorts.

See goth, gothic, punk, punky, gawth


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