Punk Slut

What is Punk Slut?


A female at a punk show or a punk girl in general who is very attractive and is dressed in revealing clothing. A common code word is "P.S.".

You and your friend are at a punk show or chillin at the mall or at you school. "Dude, theres a punk slut behind us." Your friend looks, turns back, "hell yeah". I would suggest using the "P.S." term in this situation.

See unngawa, slut, hoe, whore


A female at a punk show or a punk girl in general who is very attractive and is dressed in revealing clothing. A common code word is "P.S.".

You and your friend are at a punk show or chillin at the mall or at you school. "Dude, theres a punk slut behind us." Your friend looks, turns back, "hell yeah". I would suggest using the "P.S." term in this situation.

See unngawa, slut, hoe, whore


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