
What is Punk-ass?


adjective, describing one who is stupid, obnoxious, and deserves a good ass kicking.

Go tell your punk-ass friends to get their feet off the coffee table!


weak, loser, one unworthy of respect.

The Golden State Warriors are just punk-ass bitches.

See Jim


one who is a punk

ie; a sore loser, a loser, or a stingy bastard

just let me borrow a dollar punk-ass bitch

See random hero


in gangs or drugs- someone who has been entered anally(dildo, t-ball bat, etc.) by a rival-

we do mean bussiness!

u shouldn't have snitched! look at ur punk ass now!

See YoungCali


adjective, describing one who is stupid, obnoxious, and deserves a good ass kicking.

Go tell your punk-ass friends to get their feet off the coffee table!


weak, loser, one unworthy of respect.

The Golden State Warriors are just punk-ass bitches.

See Jim


one who is a punk

ie; a sore loser, a loser, or a stingy bastard

just let me borrow a dollar punk-ass bitch

See random hero


in gangs or drugs- someone who has been entered anally(dildo, t-ball bat, etc.) by a rival-

we do mean bussiness!

u shouldn't have snitched! look at ur punk ass now!

See YoungCali


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