
What is Punkate?


To act as if you were a punk. Punkors are known for their ability to agree with anything and then argue about it. Instances of punkation include public defecation, practical joking, vandalism, bragging, and possible diagnosis as a niller.

Dude, this poser walks his ass in his doublepluggers and punkates on the floor right in front of me. He then proceeds to punkate my car and freestyle shit rhyme. I busted his punk ass. What a punkor!

Check this: I saw a guy punkate this other guy. Man that bro was mad. He shoved that punkor's head up his own butt. Total asshat!

See niller, punk, wigger, loser, buttface


To act as if you were a punk. Punkors are known for their ability to agree with anything and then argue about it. Instances of punkation include public defecation, practical joking, vandalism, bragging, and possible diagnosis as a niller.

Dude, this poser walks his ass in his doublepluggers and punkates on the floor right in front of me. He then proceeds to punkate my car and freestyle shit rhyme. I busted his punk ass. What a punkor!

Check this: I saw a guy punkate this other guy. Man that bro was mad. He shoved that punkor's head up his own butt. Total asshat!

See niller, punk, wigger, loser, buttface


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