What is Punographer?
One who creates puns for cheap physics web sites for a living usually in the form of someone's name in a word problem.
Tom Henderson is considered a punographer:
"Allison Wonderland"
"Lee Pin Phar"
"Eaton Alottafude"
"Ben Pumpin Iron"
one who performs the act of punning shamelessly
(sidenote: I coined this term, and I thought it should be shared with the world. Society needs to realize the true genius that is known as the pun)
"Punography, much like botany, has many branches," said the punographer with much punthusiasm.
One who creates puns for cheap physics web sites for a living usually in the form of someone's name in a word problem.
Tom Henderson is considered a punographer:
"Allison Wonderland"
"Lee Pin Phar"
"Eaton Alottafude"
"Ben Pumpin Iron"
one who performs the act of punning shamelessly
(sidenote: I coined this term, and I thought it should be shared with the world. Society needs to realize the true genius that is known as the pun)
"Punography, much like botany, has many branches," said the punographer with much punthusiasm.