
What is Purdey?


A variation of 'pretty or pritty or purdeh' If you dont know what pretty means click on the link, or get a brain transplant (preferably both).

Mostly used on msn/web chats

Random_1: Yur dp looks purdey.

Random_2: Xcuse me??

Random_1: Purdey. Not Purgey.

Random_2: Oh thanks babe. Yurs is HAWT.

See pritty, pretty, um, dunno, what, else, to


A variation of 'pretty or pritty or purdeh' If you dont know what pretty means click on the link, or get a brain transplant (preferably both).

Mostly used on msn/web chats

Random_1: Yur dp looks purdey.

Random_2: Xcuse me??

Random_1: Purdey. Not Purgey.

Random_2: Oh thanks babe. Yurs is HAWT.

See pritty, pretty, um, dunno, what, else, to


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