
What is Purge?


A massive, often liquid shit which absolutely stinks and leaves the perpetrator with a burning sensation, known as a 'ring of fire', around the anal sphincter.

Dave; Fuck, it stinks round here.

Tom; Fuck yeh, Iain has purged again.

See purge, dump, shit, poo, stick, smell, hum, reek


To make oneself throw up. To "purify" the body of waste.

Today I ate like a whole pizza, cake, 3 sandwiches, and a six pack of beer. I felt so gross so I purged.

See Nicole


to throw up after u eat, normally bulimics purge right after they eat

i used to binge and purge when i was bulimic.

See lily


The act of cleansing:

1. A person of their life

2. An infadel of their stupidity, by killing them, of course

3. An army of retards

4. A shower of mildew

1. "Stupid! you die now, please join the line for purgance"

2. "That is SO morrocan! *death*"

3. Stalin LOVED to purge

4. "GOD DAMN mildew! i've been PURGING all day!"

See hex_ten


A massive, often liquid shit which absolutely stinks and leaves the perpetrator with a burning sensation, known as a 'ring of fire', around the anal sphincter.

Dave; Fuck, it stinks round here.

Tom; Fuck yeh, Iain has purged again.

See purge, dump, shit, poo, stick, smell, hum, reek


To make oneself throw up. To "purify" the body of waste.

Today I ate like a whole pizza, cake, 3 sandwiches, and a six pack of beer. I felt so gross so I purged.

See Nicole


to throw up after u eat, normally bulimics purge right after they eat

i used to binge and purge when i was bulimic.

See lily


The act of cleansing:

1. A person of their life

2. An infadel of their stupidity, by killing them, of course

3. An army of retards

4. A shower of mildew

1. "Stupid! you die now, please join the line for purgance"

2. "That is SO morrocan! *death*"

3. Stalin LOVED to purge

4. "GOD DAMN mildew! i've been PURGING all day!"

See hex_ten


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