What is Purple Mushroom Stamp?


NOTE: this move requires a flacid penis. while dangling your dong in front of a woman in an attempt to 'woo' her, you grab the base of your member and swing it in a counterclockwise ninja motion smacking her flush on either cheeck leaving a welt resembling a purple mushroom. in germany this is seen as a sign of affection...in tennessee it will get you killed.

i wanted sandi to know that i was into her...so i gave her a purple mushroom stamp. in return she hooked me up with an award winning clark bar


NOTE: this move requires a flacid penis. while dangling your dong in front of a woman in an attempt to 'woo' her, you grab the base of your member and swing it in a counterclockwise ninja motion smacking her flush on either cheeck leaving a welt resembling a purple mushroom. in germany this is seen as a sign of affection...in tennessee it will get you killed.

i wanted sandi to know that i was into her...so i gave her a purple mushroom stamp. in return she hooked me up with an award winning clark bar


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