What is Pushing The Bitumen Wheelbarrow?


1. verb. vomiting, walking and doubling-over at the same time characterised by causing the arms to swing out in front of the person to resemble the action of pushing a wheelbarrow.

Ha ha, check out that dude, he's pushing the bitumen wheelbarrow bigtime!

Did he get any on his shoes?

See barking europe at the porcelain, chundering, blowing chunks, walking


1. verb. vomiting, walking and doubling-over at the same time characterised by causing the arms to swing out in front of the person to resemble the action of pushing a wheelbarrow.

Ha ha, check out that dude, he's pushing the bitumen wheelbarrow bigtime!

Did he get any on his shoes?

See barking europe at the porcelain, chundering, blowing chunks, walking


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