Put A Door In

What is Put A Door In?


v. - a solution which is oversimplified to the point that it becomes nonsensical. Often presented as a brilliant idea by someone who wishes to appear knowledgeable when they actually know the least about the subject.

Dorthu: "I'm having trouble seamlessly streaming levels in this game."

Gabe: "Just put a door in."


Tom: "Dude, instead of paying to get my car fixed, I'm just gonna use some duct tape."

John: "Way to put a door in."

See fix, repair, break


v. - a solution which is oversimplified to the point that it becomes nonsensical. Often presented as a brilliant idea by someone who wishes to appear knowledgeable when they actually know the least about the subject.

Dorthu: "I'm having trouble seamlessly streaming levels in this game."

Gabe: "Just put a door in."


Tom: "Dude, instead of paying to get my car fixed, I'm just gonna use some duct tape."

John: "Way to put a door in."

See fix, repair, break


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