What is Put The Bounce On Her?


To try to flirt with a female. To Put the bounce on someone can be to both sides of gender, it also means to finger someones arse so hard it bleeds continuously.Mainly used in Lurgan, co. Armagh

John:Did you put the bounce on her last night ??

Paul: yeah she bled all over my good jacket and my mum slapped me hard for having fanny blood all over me

Amanda:He put the bounce on me last night and now i have trouble walking

See bouncing, flirting, gowl, girls, fanny


To try to flirt with a female. To Put the bounce on someone can be to both sides of gender, it also means to finger someones arse so hard it bleeds continuously.Mainly used in Lurgan, co. Armagh

John:Did you put the bounce on her last night ??

Paul: yeah she bled all over my good jacket and my mum slapped me hard for having fanny blood all over me

Amanda:He put the bounce on me last night and now i have trouble walking

See bouncing, flirting, gowl, girls, fanny


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