What is Put The Puppy In The Bucket?


A phrase invented by comedian Patton Oswald. Since many comedians have capitalized on their own catch phrases like "git-r-done" and "you know you're a redneck when" he decided to make up a meaningless phrase as his calling card. I have actually been hearing the phrase on the radio lately as a euphemism for having sex.

He was going on a date so I told him to put the puppy in the bucket.

See puppy, bucket, putting, put


A phrase invented by comedian Patton Oswald. Since many comedians have capitalized on their own catch phrases like "git-r-done" and "you know you're a redneck when" he decided to make up a meaningless phrase as his calling card. I have actually been hearing the phrase on the radio lately as a euphemism for having sex.

He was going on a date so I told him to put the puppy in the bucket.

See puppy, bucket, putting, put


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