
What is Puto?


spanish word for a male prostitute. sometimes it´s offesive for homosexuals. in mexico it is used for cowards and traitors.

no seas puto no le digas a nadie que hice trampa. dont be puto, dont tell anyone i chated.

echate una chela, no seas puto.drick a beer dont be a puto.(dont be a pussy)

See avari


1. a spanish word meaning male prostitute

2. some tasty filipino steamed rice cake

1. shut up you little puto.

2. lets go to the asian supermarket and buy some puto!

See puta, pute, filipino, fag


A Filipino rice cake eaten as a dessert.

Pass me some of that puto, puto!

See puto, rice, cake, dessert, filipino


In spanish, the male version of "puta", wich means "hooker". Also used in some southamerican countries as "homosexual".

Puto el que lee.

Ese hombre es muy puto.

See Leo


A derisive word used to belittle and demean another individual, especially if they happen to be spanish/mexican/dirty. Puto has a similar connotation as calling a man a "bitch" but may also be used in reference to any dirty slut who deserves it.

hombre #1: "I ain't afraid of no jail meng"

hombre #2: "You should be. They're gonna pass your puto ass around like currency"

See mik


The masculine form of the Spanish/Portuguese word puta ("whore"/"slut"/"bitch"). "Puto" can apply to gay males in some places or simply to any male who is sexually loose (some males are sexually loose, some aren't; sexuality has little to do with it).

"Puto" is used to imply weakness or cowardicein Spanish-speaking countries.

See galla, hure, whore, gay, promiscuous, puta


1.In spanish (mainlyin mexico), the male version of "puta", meaning whore or slut.

2. Derrogatory term meanning coward, gay (as in faggot, pussy, sissy).

That puto gringo thinks cancun is part of the USA, he comes back and we'll fuck him like the puto he is.

See faggot, sissy, pussy, chicken, pinche


spanish word for a male prostitute. sometimes it´s offesive for homosexuals. in mexico it is used for cowards and traitors.

no seas puto no le digas a nadie que hice trampa. dont be puto, dont tell anyone i chated.

echate una chela, no seas puto.drick a beer dont be a puto.(dont be a pussy)

See avari


1. a spanish word meaning male prostitute

2. some tasty filipino steamed rice cake

1. shut up you little puto.

2. lets go to the asian supermarket and buy some puto!

See puta, pute, filipino, fag


A Filipino rice cake eaten as a dessert.

Pass me some of that puto, puto!

See puto, rice, cake, dessert, filipino


In spanish, the male version of "puta", wich means "hooker". Also used in some southamerican countries as "homosexual".

Puto el que lee.

Ese hombre es muy puto.

See Leo


A derisive word used to belittle and demean another individual, especially if they happen to be spanish/mexican/dirty. Puto has a similar connotation as calling a man a "bitch" but may also be used in reference to any dirty slut who deserves it.

hombre #1: "I ain't afraid of no jail meng"

hombre #2: "You should be. They're gonna pass your puto ass around like currency"

See mik


The masculine form of the Spanish/Portuguese word puta ("whore"/"slut"/"bitch"). "Puto" can apply to gay males in some places or simply to any male who is sexually loose (some males are sexually loose, some aren't; sexuality has little to do with it).

"Puto" is used to imply weakness or cowardicein Spanish-speaking countries.

See galla, hure, whore, gay, promiscuous, puta


1.In spanish (mainlyin mexico), the male version of "puta", meaning whore or slut.

2. Derrogatory term meanning coward, gay (as in faggot, pussy, sissy).

That puto gringo thinks cancun is part of the USA, he comes back and we'll fuck him like the puto he is.

See faggot, sissy, pussy, chicken, pinche


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